
Entrega final de proyecto II

Los alumnos de cuarto semestre diseñaron un modulo de convivencia para exteriores el pasado mayo del 2009 con el DI. Juan Pablo Quiroz y el MDI. Daniel Carrera, estos son algunos de los proyectos.


Concurso para beca en DOMUS ACADEMY

Domus Academy wants to motivate young talents from Mexico, thinking out of the box, eager to make an intensive experience in the Italian Design culture, offering two scholarships to attend the 2010 edition of the Master in Design.

If you believe that Design is not merely a stylistic technique giving shape to objects, but it’s a challenging activity that encourages creativity to achieve higher goals. If you want to invest your future in developing and enhancing your design sensitivity, your artistic, cultural and sociological knowledge together with an interaction design culture. Experience a full-immersion in the Design culture: choose Domus Academy.



If you are interested and had developed an educational and/or professional path in design, you can send your curriculum vitae, a motivation letter and a portfolio of projects and works via e-mail at infodesign@domusacademy.it indicating in the subject THINK OUT OF THE BOX by November 10th 2009.

The sending of paper portfolios shall have the following address: “Think Out of the Box” Call for Entries 2010 Domus Academy, via Watt 27

20143 Milan, Italy. The winners and the finalists will be contacted via e-mail by November 15th 2009.


50% Scholarship on the Tuition fee for the Master in Design AY 2009/10.


Visita a Museos Agosto - Septiembre 2009

En septiembre alumnos de LDI en la materia de Introducción al Diseño asistieron al Museo MUMCI Museo Modelo de la Ciencia y la Industria en la ciudad de Toluca, también visitaron el museo Franz Mayer en la Ciudad de México para ver la exposición 300% Spanish Design en la que se exhiben 100 sillas, 100 carteles y 100 lámparas de diseños españoles clásicos, para finalizar visitaron el Palacio de Bellas Artes donde se exhibe la obra del reconocido pintor El Greco.